Categories: Health Problems

Lower Back Pain Asanas – Top 9 Yoga Poses, Tips, Causes

Are you suffering from lower back pain then instead of taking painkillers you should practice below list of lower back pain asanas. Yoga stretches plays an important role to relieve back pain. It strengthens your back and spine. Let’s see yoga stretches to alleviate lower back pain one by one.

Lower Back Pain Asanas

  1. Balasana (Child pose)
  2. Marjariasana (Cat pose)
  3. Bhujangasna (Cobra Pose)
  4. Dhanurasana (Bow Pose
  5. Ushtrasana
  6. Vajrasana
  7. Paschimottanasana
  8. Shavasana (Corpse Pose)
  9. Pawanamuktasana (Wind removing pose)
  10. Seven Pranayama

Above exercises are the best yoga stretches for lower back pain but should be practiced regularly under an expert guidance to get rid of back pain.

Benefits of Lower Back Pain Asanas

  1. Yoga exercise strengthens the back muscles as well as the abdominal muscles.
  2. Cures back pain.
  3. Improves the body posture.
  4. Stretches your back muscles.
  5. Yoga helps to release tension and stress.
  6. Increases blood circulation which is very helpful to injured tissue.
  7. Brings flexibility to the spinal cord.
  8. Yoga keeps our body strong and healthy.
  9. Relaxes our whole body.

Cause of Back Pain

Back pain is the second major headache for those who are working in the office. It can be seen in young people as well as in older people. Survey says that out of 5 people 2 are suffering from back pain.

  1. Wrong sitting and sleeping habits.
  2. Heavy physical activity.
  3. Repetitive work.
  4. Injury.
  5. No exercise.
  6. Tension in the back muscles
  7. Driving a vehicle for a long time.
  8. Pushing and pulling heavy things.

Psychosocial Risk Factors For Back Pain

  1. Depression
  2. Stress
  3. Mental stress at work
  4. Job dissatisfaction

Tips for Back Pain Relief

  1. Drink more water and juices.
  2. Avoid taking painkillers. These painkiller tablets will damage your kidney.
  3. Have a massage twice in a week or daily.
  4. Sleep straight on your back.
  5. Eat food which is full of proteins and calcium.
  6. Regular yoga exercises are necessary.
  7. Keep moving. Don’t sit for a long time in one position.
  8. Sit straight while working in an office.
  9. Practice Pranayama (Breathing exercises) regularly if your back pain is due to stress or depression.

Precautions before back exercises of yoga

  1. Yoga practice should be done under the expert guidance and consult a doctor to find the main cause of pain.
  2. Those suffering from slip disc or spinal cord injuries or any problem should consult a doctor.

Hey friends, hope you found the given list of lower back pain asanas, tips and causes interesting. If you want to share more tips and yoga poses for lower back pain relief then do not forget to share or comment below.

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